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Earn more from your travel videos

Join our creator community so when someone makes an approved booking from one of your videos, we share commission earned with you.

Why join?

Say goodbye to manually affiliate linking
Tired of manually getting links and constantly updating your bio? The modern travel creator deserves a smarter way to monetize, and we’re here to simplify that process.
Increase your earnings as a creator
Earn more from the trips you inspire, instead of losing money to giant search engines that overlook the creators behind those trips.
Track analytics in one place
Monitor how your content is performing with easy-to-read analytics. Gain insights into what resonates with your audience and what converts.
Join our community of travel creators
Meet creators that share your love for videography and travel! We share resources, travel advice and opportunities.
An engaged global audience
Grow your audience as our user base scales to millions of monthly visitors.
Exact experiences
Book exact experiences from fellow creators quickly with Bookmyvids!
I want to join!

How it works

Earn from your videos in 3 easy steps!
Travellers send us your video
Travellers send us videos to add it to their bucketlist
We reply with links
We reply with links relevant to your content. Where available, we link to our partners such as GetYourGuide and Expedia.
They book and you earn
We send you a share of the commission earned through your videos if you're in the Travel Plug Creator Community.
”Being able make money from your travel videos will change the game for the creator economy. I'm excited! 🙌🏾”
Travel Blogger, @Diywithjoy
40k+ blog visitors
“Once I saw the idea for this site I knew I had to sign up. People are always asking me how to book things and now I can earn from them?! I'm sold”
Travel Creator, @livsglobe
240k+ likes

Frequently asked questions


What's a Travel Plug Creator?

Travel Plugs are verified travel creators who actively engage on our platform (ie no gatekeeping). As a creator, you can earn a commission on qualified bookings made through your videos, provided you are in the community when the commissions are earned.

Why? If you’re posting about travel, travellers are likely watching your videos and then turning to billion-dollar search engines to book. This means those companies are pocketing your potential commissions. We think it's time for that to change!

How? We’re simplifying the journey from watching to booking. Travellers simply send us a link to the travel TikToks that inspire them, and we create a one-of-a-kind trip page with all the info they need.

If they book through affiliate links associated with your videos, we pay you a percentage of the commissions earned, all without you having to lift a finger! All you have to do is sign up and respond to any occasional messages we send.

Join today!

How does it work?

Earn an income from your travel videos in 3 easy steps.

Step 1: Travellers send us travel videos that have inspired their trip.

Step 2: We send them links, including affiliate links from our partners where available.

Step 3: If you're registered as a Travel Plug on our site at the time a commission is earned, you'll earn 70% of that commission.

Join now!

Do I have to pay to use Bookmyvids?

Nope! It's free to get started on Bookmyvids. We don't charge any fees or take a cut, but Stripe, which we use to send creators payouts, charges a 3% transaction fee.

In future, we plan to introduce paid plans which unlocks exclusive features and advanced analytics for creators.
Nope - its free to use. In fact, as a Creator you can earn.

Travelplug works on a commission split basis where 30% of the revenue generated from affiliate links is shared with us, and we send you 70%. There are no upfront costs or subscription fees, but Stripe, our payout provider, charges a 3% transaction fee.

Do I need a big following?

Nope! It's free to get started on Bookmyvids. We don't charge any fees or take a cut, but Stripe, which we use to send creators payouts, charges a 3% transaction fee.

In future, we plan to introduce paid plans which unlocks exclusive features and advanced analytics for creators.
Not at all! As long as you post travel content, you can join. Every creator can go viral on tiktok, so we believe every creator should be able to earn!

Can I request a feature?

Of course! We love hearing from our community. When you log in, you can vote for or suggest features here!

Can I share playlists privately?

We've prioritised public playlists to start with as most creators like to share their experiences, but having an option to make them private is on our bucketlist! (along with Bali, Mauritius, Costa Rica etc 😭😂)
Got another question?
If you have any questions or would like a demo, feel free to ask us here. We’d be happy to hear from you!
Have another question? Email

Don't miss out!

Over 80% of Gen Z use social media to plan their trips.
It's time to earn from the bookings you inspire ✨
Join the pre-launch community